Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another View of the Exterior Maintenance Discussion

I'm Doug King at 546 Latimer Circle and I have CC'd Yung on this email because she is my significant other and I want her involved. I am going to try to list my rational for moving the responsibility for the siding maintenance to the association rather than the individual homeowners. I am completely for it and all my rationales reflect that position.
First of all there is the economy of scale. If each individual homeowner has to perform the maintenance then the contractors have no reason to give any discounts.
Second, the termite work for an individual home would be useless if the adjoining homes do not perform the necessary work at the same time.
Also, there would not be any way to "tent" a home that requires it because the entire block would need to happen at the same time. I have already discovered that seems to be impossible.
As for the maintenance schedule, it would be very reasonable and logical if it was determined for the entire complex by the association, otherwise there is no knowing the state of a given home or block of homes. An added benefit would be that all homes would get the proper maintenance rather than only those homeowners who are most responsible.
One major benefit of the association determining the maintenance schedule would be that each homeowner would get the attractiveness of advertising their home as virtually guaranteed to be up to the best standards when they want to sell. It would apply to their own home and to the adjoining homes.
So, that is all I can think of at the moment. Feel free to put this in a general distribution email or the blog you mentioned. Thank you so much for all your hard work.
Doug (and Yung)

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